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We are pleased to offer your students the unforgettable experience of a planetarium show under our new state-of-the-art dome. Programs begin at 9:10 a.m., 10:10 a.m., 11:10 a.m., and 12:10 a.m., and last 50 minutes. The planetarium has seating for 80 students with teachers.

The Sky Tonight (Grades K through 12)
See the sky as it will be on the night of your visit! Students will learn the stars, constellations, and planets which will be visible that evening.


Space: A Place (Grades 1 through 2)
An introduction to space flight for younger students. Large 1/50th scale 2-D rockets will help students understand the size of space vehicles, while models will help them understand how the rockets work.

Sun, Moon, & Stars (Grades 3 & 4)
Learn the reasons for the seasons and how the movements of Earth affect where we see the sun and what we see in the night sky from month to month. Discover the moon’s phases, and find out how they happen through a kinetic activity. Students will also learn how to observe these phenomena safely in the real sky.

Exploring the Planets (Grades 4 through 8)
Offers a close up look at each planet of our solar system and many of the larger moons. NASA images provide the most up-to-date viewing possible.

Finding Your Star (Grades 4 through 8)
Students learn how to use star maps in this highly interactive presentation. Your class will be divided into groups. Groups will be assigned a constellation to find using their star maps, and then will be given an opportunity to point out their findings to the other groups in the class.

Rockets and Spacecraft (Grades 3 through 8)
This popular program looks at the history of space flight, how rockets work, and common misconceptions about space. Models of the Saturn V and Space Shuttle help students understand the Apollo moon flights and how the Shuttle worked.

Fingerprinting the Stars (Grades 8 through 12)
Based on modern spectroscopy, the heart of modern astronomy, during the program students use diffraction gratings to observe the spectra of various gas discharge tubes and then learn how astronomers use similar observation to understand the Universe.


Planetarium Shows for School Groups

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